Bridge 2 Rwanda Scholar
Ukuch Gabriel

Trinity College
Bachelor of Science in Electircal Engineering
Currently working for Aqu Africa
College Experience
My college experience at Trinity College was truly life-changing and remarkable. During that time, I witnessed myself growing academically, professionally and socially. Besides working hard to graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, I also engaged in other course-related activities such as the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers clubs and robotics—through which I was able to build a strong network of professional friends—some of whom I am in contact with to this day. And, when time permitted, I was also able to squeeze-in time for sports.
Going Forward
At the present time, I am working for Aqua Africa, a non-governmental organization that is focused upon drilling freshwater wells in South Sudan for people who—otherwise—must walk for many hours every day to fulfill their daily water requirements. This experience has truly opened my eyes to see very serious levels of poverty, food insecurity, and lack of water in vast areas of South Sudan. And in nearly all areas, basic education and healthcare services are totally inadequate. Going forward, my hope is to engage in meaningful work where my education can be put to the test, while at the same time make a difference of people who need our help.