About Empower Kids
Emerging from decades of the devastating destruction brought on by war, South Sudan is struggling to create an independent country. Today, we are working to empower a generation and help the South Sudanese people realize the promise of the 21st century.
Defining the Need
On July 9, 2011, the people of South Sudan gained their independence, becoming the world’s newest country. Since 1956, when war erupted between the North and South, many thousands have lost their lives and millions more have been displaced from their homes. Join us as we try to help them rebuild their lives and communities as well as the entire country’s infrastructure.

Ed Eisele was born in Phoenix, Arizona. Following graduation from the School of Business at the University of Arizona, Ed entered the United States Navy where he served his country in several commands including the USS Kitty Hawk.
Following military service, Ed returned to Phoenix in the mid-1960’s and began his career in his family’s baking business. Ed led Holsum Bakery for many decades until he sold the business in 2008. During his life, Ed has devoted significant time to many charitable endeavors in both Arizona and internationally.
When many of the Lost Boys of Sudan began settling in the Phoenix area, Ed became involved, in an effort to help them become employed. That led to the development of many friendships within the Lost Boys community—which eventually led Ed to South Sudan in 2013, following their independence from Sudan.
The realities of South Sudan—in terms of what is needed—are breath-taking. Not having a power grid for 11 million people was simply impossible to fathom—which has led Ed into solar power for schools, followed by laptop computers and tablets in an effort to get the younger generation of South Sudanese boys and girls connected with the outside world.
Clean drinking water is not readily available to most of South Sudanese. As a result, Ed has embarked on a well-drilling initiative in an effort to put an end to having women walking for miles with jugs on their heads seeking clean water—in an effort to help alleviate the several diseases that come with water that is contaminated.
School solarization and water wells are but two initiatives that Ed has engaged with in South Sudan in an effort to make difference for many good people who need a hand-up in their pursuit of living better lives.

Our Valued Partner:
Arizona Community Foundation
Arizona Community Foundation leads, serves and collaborates to mobilize enduring philanthropy for a better Arizona.
Everywhere we go, we see the indomitable spirit of people working to improve the future for themselves, their families and their communities. Here are some glimpses into the challenges as well as the accomplishments of the South Sudanese people.
Buey Tut Interview
Wek Interview
Juba Girls Secondary School Interviews